
Happy fall! This semester at Oberlin I am teaching The Autocratic Turn and a new class, Power in Political Economy. You can view course descriptions on my Teaching page.

The policy brief Costs of Non-Enlargement: Foresight Report on EU Enlargement and Neighborhood, published by Visegrad Insight and Zeit-Stiftung Bucerius, officially launched with events in Brussels and Berlin in March 2024. I contributed to this policy brief during and after the Strategic Foresight workshop in Flensburg (Germany) in July 2023. You can download the report here.

"What Does It Mean to Decolonize East European and Eurasian Studies?" event poster

Oberlin! Join us on December 8 for a dialogue between me and Anna Lordan about decolonizing East European and Eurasian studies. We will share what we observed at the ASEEES Annual Convention in November, as well as other regional events held on the theme of decolonization this year. More info about the event is available here.

I was invited to the workshop “Historical Epistemology of Central, East and Southeast European Studies” at the Institute of Slavic Studies at LMU Munich (Germany) in October 2023. I presented about how we can use levels of analysis besides the nation-state to study the CESEE region in global context. In conjunction with this project, I was also on a roundtable at ASEEES 2023.

In July 2023, I participated in the Strategic Foresight for EU Enlargement and Neighborhood Consortium hosted by Polish think-tank Visegrad Insight and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius in Germany. Our analysis informs ongoing efforts to advocate for EU policy that better supports countries in Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the Caucasus.

The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University hosted a six-part Decolonization in Focus series in February-March 2023. I was on the  “Emerging Scholars on the State of the Field, Activism, and Advocacy” panel with fellow members of the Decolonizing Eastern European Studies project. A video recording of our Davis Center panel is available here.

January 30 kicks off the 2023 Spring semester at Oberlin! I will be teaching Queer Comparative Politics, Theater and Politics, and Global Capitalism: Corporate Citizens and Shareholder States. See Teaching for full course descriptions.

At the November 2022 ASEEES Convention in Chicago, I presented “Sputnik-V and Russia’s Authoritarian Bargain: Evidence from Media Coverage” co-authored with Sarah Wilson Sokhey.

In September 2022, I presented my paper “Financial Rentierism in Brazil and Russia: Rents, Welfare, and Opportunity” on the Rethinking Rentierism: Global Perspectives, Changing Realities panel at the American Political Science Association annual meeting in Montréal.

My latest article, “Practicing (State) Capitalism at Petrobras and Rosneft,” is available online now at the International Journal of Public Administration. You can download the article without paywall here.

The article is part of the special issue on The Rise of State Capitalism that I co-edited with Miklós Szanyi of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. You can read our introduction to the special issue here.

I am thrilled to be joining Oberlin College & Conservatory as Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics. In Fall 2021, I will teach The Politics of Oil and Post-Soviet Politics. In the Spring, I am offering Queer Comparative Politics, Theater and Politics, and a proseminar about the role of identity in capitalism called Corporate Citizens and Shareholder States.

On May 14, 2021, I joined the PONARS Eurasia panel “Economic Challenges Facing Russia and Eurasia” with my co-author Sarah Sokhey to discuss our ongoing survey research about rentierism and Russian social policy. You can view the livestream on PONARS Eurasia’s facebook page.

Хорошие новости! Our article, “Governing through stolichnaya praktika: Housing renovation from Moscow to the regions,” is out in the March 2021 issue of Geoforum! The paper is available for download here.

For German-language readers, a short version of the article is now available in Issue no. 399  of Russland-Analysen under the title Stolitschnaja Praktika: Das Moskauer Wohnraumsanierungsprogramm soll auf die Regionen ausgedehnt werden.

Khrushchevki apartment buildings in Moscow, 2019. Photo credit: D. Zupan.

You can reach me at amandazadorian [at]
